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Jianbo Xiao

NameJianbo Xiao

Technical postProfessor

AddressInternational Research Center for Food   Nutrition and Safety, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China.


   Dr. Jianbo Xiao is current a   full professor of International Research Center for Food Nutrition and   Safety, Jiangsu University (China) since January, 2021. He received PhD   degree in nutrition from Okayama Prefectural University (Japan) in 2009. He   worked as a Postdoc supported by AvH foundation at University of Würzbug, Germany (April 2013-May 2015) and then worked as an   assistant professor in University of Macau (October 2015-December 2020). Dr.   Xiao has been selected as Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers (2016,   2017, 2019 and 2020). His research is focusing on nutrition. He has accepted   and published more than 300 peer reviewed papers including Nature Reviews   Drug Discovery (IF 84.694), Seminars in Cancer Biology (IF 15.707, 2 papers),   Biotechnology Advances (IF 14.222, 4 papers), Medicinal Research Reviews(IF   12.944, 2 papers), Trends in Food Science & Technology (IF 12.563, 19   papers), Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (IF 11.176, 31   papers), Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (IF 11.413), Journal of Advanced   Research (IF 10.476, 3 papers), Food Chemistry (IF 7.514, 39 papers), Food   and Chemical Toxicology (IF 6.023, 25 papers), Molecular Nutrition and Food   Research (IF 5.941, 5 papers), Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (If   5.279, 13 papers) and so on (Scopus citation: 9194, H-index 51; Google   citation: 12111, H-index 58). He also works as the chairman to organize   ISPMF2015, 2-ISPMF (2017), 3-ISPMF (2018), and 4-ISPMF (2020). Dr. Xiao has   given 5 plenary lectures, 12 invited lectures and 15 oral presentations on   international conferences. Dr. Xiao has hosted more than 12 research grants   and since 2009. Dr. Xiao is the expert Reviewer of European Science   Foundation, UK Diabetes Foundation (UK), Natural Science Foundation of China   (China), the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (Italy).   Dr. Xiao was elected to full membership of Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor   Society (USA). Dr. Xiao is the editor-in-chief of Food Frontiers (Wiley) and   World Journal of Diabetes (IF 3.763), the special content editor of Food   Chemistry (IF 7.514)/Food Chemistry:X (IF 5.182), the associate editor of   Journal of Advanced Research (IF 10.479), Frontiers in Pharmacology (IF   5.81), Journal of Berry Research (IF 2.352), and Phytomedicine Plus   (Elsevier), the section editor of Current Neuropharmacology (IF 7.363), and   the editorial board member of Trends in Food Science & Technology (IF   12.563), Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (IF 11.176), Journal   of Nutritional Biochemistry (IF 6.048), Food and Chemical Toxicology (IF   6.023), International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF 5.923), Industrial   Crops and Products (IF 5.645), Phytomedicine (IF 5.34), Food Science and   Human Wellness (IF 5.142), Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology (IF   4.86), Molecules (IF 4.411), Current Drug Metabolism (IF 3.731), and so on.

Education background

06.2001 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering and   Technology, Yancheng Institute of Technology, China

06.2005 Master of Organic Chemistry, Central   South University, China

03.2009 Ph.D in Nutritional Science, Okayama   Prefectural University, Japan

Working experience

07.2009-08.2011 Lecturer, Shanghai Normal   University, China

09.2011-03.2013 Associate Researcher,   Shanghai Normal University, China

04.2013-05.2015 Humboldtian of AvH   Foundation, Universität Würzburg,   Würzburg,   Germany

10.2015-12.2020 Assistant Professor,   University of Macau, Macau

04.2017-03.2018 Visiting Professor, Kyoto   Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan

01.2020- Professor, Jiangsu University,   Zhenjiang, China

04.2021- Distinguished Researcher, University   of Vigo, Vigo, Spain

Editors for international   journals

Editor-in-Chief, Food Frontiers (Wiley)

Editor-in-Chief, World Journal of Diabetes   (2-year IF 3.763, 5-year IF 7.348)

Special Content Editor, Food Chemistry   (2-year IF IF 7.514, 5-year IF 7.516)

Special Content Editor, Food Chemistry:X (IF   5.182)

Associate Editor, Journal of Advanced   Research (2-year IF 10.479, 5-year IF 9.479)

Associate Editor, Frontiers in Pharmacology   (2-year IF 5.81, 5-year IF 6.005)

Associate Editor, Journal of Berry Research   (2-year IF 2.352, 5-year IF 2.428)

Associate Editor, Phytomedicine Plus   (Elsevier)

Section Editor, Current Neuropharmacology   (2-year IF 7.363, 5-year IF 8.299)

Editorial Board, Trends in Food Science &   Technology (2-year IF 12.563, 5-year IF 14.466)

Editorial Board, Critical Reviews in Food   Science and Nutrition (2-year IF 11.176, 5-year IF 11.191)

Editorial Board, Journal of Nutritional   Biochemistry (2-year IF 6.048, 5-year IF 6.144)

Editorial Board, Environmental Toxicology and   Pharmacology (IF 4.86)

Editorial Board, International Journal of   Molecular Sciences (2-year IF 5.923, 5-year IF 6.132)

Editorial Board, Industrial Crops and   Products (2-year IF 5.645, 5-year IF 5.749)

Editorial Board, Phytomedicine (IF 5.34)

Editorial Board, Food Science and Human   Wellness (IF 5.154)

Editorial Board, Molecules (IF 4.411)

Editorial Board, Current Drug Metabolism (IF   3.731)

Editorial Board, Anti-Cancer Agents in   Medicinal Chemistry (IF 2.505)

Editorial Board, Discover Food (Springer)

Editorial Board, Food Chemistry: Molecular   Sciences (Elsevier)

Editorial Board, Current Research in   Biotechnology (Elsevier)

Editorial Board, Research Journal of   Pharmacognosy (SCIE index)

Professional Affiliation

Full Membership, Sigma Xi Scientific Research   Honor Society (USA)

Humboldtian, Alexander von Humboldt   Foundation (Germany)

Bentham Ambassador, Bentham publisher (United   Arab Emirates)

Expert Reviewer, European Science Foundation   (Europe)

Reviewer of grant application, UK Diabetes   Foundation (UK)

Reviewer of grant application, Auckland   Medical Research Foundation (New Zealand)

Reviewer of grant application, Natural   Science Foundation of China (China)

Examiner of Ph.D Thesis, University Putra   Malaysia (Malaysia)

Reviewer, American Diabetes Associations Scholarly journals (USA)

Reviewer of grant application, the Italian   Ministry for Education, University and Research (Italy)

Reviewer of grant application, the Poland   National Science Centre (Poland)

Director, the International Natural Product   Science Taskforce (Europe)



Highly cited researchers award 2020   (Clarivate)

Highly cited researchers award 2019   (Clarivate)

Highly cited researchers award 2017   (Clarivate)

Highly cited researchers award 2016   (Clarivate)

Top peer reviewer award 2019 (Clarivate)

Top peer reviewer award 2018 (Clarivate)

Chinese Most Cited Researchers 2018   (Elsevier).

International   Advisory/Scientific Committee for International conferences

I have worked as scientific committee members   or organizing committee members for 27 international conferences hold on USA   (2012), Italy (2013), Bulgaria (2013/2015/2017/2019), Czech (2014/2015),   Romania (2014, 2020), Algeria (2014), Turkey (2015/2016/2019), India (2017),   Thailand (2016/2018), Chile (2016/2019), France (2017), Northern Cyprus   (2017), UK (2018), República   Portuguesa (2019), Bangladesh (2020), and so on.

1.International advisory committee: 10th   International Conference Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds in Health   and Disease: Science and Practice, March 13-15, 2012, University of   California, Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara, California, USA).

2.International advisory committee: 11th   International Conference Functional Foods and Chronic Inflammation: Science   and Practical Application August 21-23, 2012, University of San Diego (San   Diego, California, USA).

3.Scientific committee: 2013Phytochemical   Society of Europe Meeting (PSE)-Natural Products in Cancer Prevention and   Therapy, June 25-28, 2013, Naples, Italy.

4.Scientific committee: International   Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plant to Pharmacy Shelf   (ICNPU 2013), November 3-6, 2013, Bansko, Bulgaria.

5.Scientific committee: 14thInternational   NUTRITION & DIAGNOSTICS Conference, September1-4, 2014, Prague, Czech   Republic.

6.Scientific committee: 2014 PSE   Meeting-Phytochemicals in Medicine and Pharmacognosy, April 27-30, 2014,   Piatra Neamt, Romania.

7.Scientific committee: 2nd Mediterranean   Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MESMAP-2), April 22-25, 2015,   Antalya, Turkey.

8.Scientific committee: The Second   International Conference on Natural Health (2nd ICONAHE), October 26- 28   2014, Mostaganem University, Algeria.

9.Conference Committee: 1st Annual   International Pharmaceutical Engineering Symposium 2015 (IPES), May 23-25,   2015, Shenyang, China.

10.Scientific committee: 15th International   NUTRITION & DIAGNOSTICS Conference, October 5-8, 2015, Prague, Czech   Republic.

11.Scientific committee: 2nd International   Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plant to Pharmacy Shelf   (ICNPU 2015), October 14-17, 2015, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

12.Organizing committee: 5th International   conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICPS2016), August 10-11, 2016, Dubai,   U.A.E.

13.Organizing committee: The 4th Current Drug   Development International Conference 2016 (CDD2016), June 1-3, 2016, Phuket   Graceland, Patong Beach, Phuket, Thailand.

14.Scientific committee: IX International   Symposium on Natural Products Chemistry and applications. November 22-25,   2016, Termas de Chillan, Chile.

15.Scientific committee: The 3rd   Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MESMAP-3), April   13-16, 2017, Girne (Kyrenia), Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

16.Scientific committee: Trends in Natural   Product Research - PSE Young Scientistss Meeting Lille 2017, Polytech Lille, Villeneuve dAscq, June l28-Ju y 1, 2017, France.

17.Scientific committee: 3rd International Conference   on Natural Products Utilization: from Plant to Pharmacy Shelf (ICNPU 2017),   October 18-21, 2017, Bulgaria.

18.International committee: 2nd International   Conference on Nutraceuticals and Chronic Diseases (2nd INCD), Goa, India,   September 1-3, 2017.

19.International organizing committee: 5th   Current Drug Development International Conference (CDD2017) & 3rd HTM   international Conference, May 23-25, 2018, Hat-Yai, Thailand.

20.Scientific committee: PSE-YSM   2018-Advances in Phytochemical Analysis (Trends in Natural Products   Research), July 2-5, 2018, Unnamed Venue, Liverpool, UK

21.Scientific committee: The 2nd   International Symposium on Food Nutrition and Health, September 16-18, 2018,   Dalian, China.

22.Scientific committee: The 4th   Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MESMAP-4), April   18- 22, 2019, Antalya, Turkey.

23.Scientific committee: 4th International   Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plant to Pharmacy Shelf   (ICNPU 2019), May 29-June 1, 2019, Albena resort, Bulgaria.

24.Scientific committee: Natural Products in   Drug Discovery and Health (NatProDDH), July 28-31, 2019, University of   Lisbon, República   Portuguesa.

25.Scientific committee: 1st International   Conference on Natural Toxicology and Pharmacology (1-ICNTP), August 7-12,   2019, Guangzhou, China

26.Scientific committee: Trends in Natural   Products Research- PSE Young Scientists Meeting, July 12-15, 2020, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece.

27.Scientific committee: 13th edition of the   National Symposium with International Participation Medicinal Plants - Present and Perspectives - MAPPPS 2020, May 12-15, 2020, Piatra Neamț, Romania.

28.Scientific committee: Conference on   Natural Products in Drug Discovery and Development Advances and Perspectives, September 20- 23, 2021, Iasi,   Romania.

Organizer for   international conferences

As the executive Chairman, I have organized 4   international conferences.

1.Executive Chairman: 2015 PSE-PSA meeting-   International Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (ISPMF2015),   June 26th-29th, 2015, Shanghai, China.

2.Executive Chairman: 2nd International   Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (2-ISPMF), April 7-10, 2017,   Fuzhou, China.

3.Executive Chairman: 3rd International   Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (3-ISPMF), August 25-30,   2018, Kunming, China.

4.Executive Chairman: 4th International   Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (4-ISPMF), November   30-December 4, 2020, Xian,   China.

Invited to peer review   manuscript by international journals

I have been invited to peer review more than   500 manuscripts for international journals such as Journal of Agricultural   and Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Food Research International, Food &   Function, Molecular BioSystems, Pharmaceutical Research, Analytica Chimica   Acta and Journal of Chromatography A. I have received Certificates of   Appreciation from the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society   on Dec 2011 and Feb 2013, in recognition of my contribution and dedicated   service in the peer review of manuscripts submitted to ACS journals. I was   awarded Peer Review Award 2018 and 2019 (Top reviewer) by Publons.

Presentations on   international conferences:

I have given 5 plenary lectures, 12 invited   lectures and 15 oral presentations on international conferences.

1.肖建波, 瀬川理恵, 井上美幸, 横田憲治, 小熊恵二, 山本耕一郎. Vibrio vulnificusの弱毒化株による感染防御効果, 81回日本細菌学会総会, 2008324-26(Tokyo,   Japan). 日本細菌学雑誌, 2008,   63(1):180 (P206). (Tokyo). (Oral presentation)

2.Xiao J.B.*, Yamamoto K., Wei X.L., Xu M.   Green tea polyphenol EGCG can enhance effect of huperzine A on inhibiting   acetylcholinesterase. Proceeding on The 5th Joint Conference on Nutrition of   Okayama Prefectural University Woosong University and Sichuan University,   China, September 2009, p13. (*Oral presentation)

3.Xiao Y.F., Wu X.W., Ying X.C., Zhang C.,   Yang F., Xiao J.B.*, Wang H., Yamamoto K. Glycation of plasma proteins in   diabetes lowers the non-covalent interaction affinities for dietary   polyphenols. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Bioactive   Compounds and Functional Foods in Health and Disease, March 13-15, 2012,   UCSB, USA. (*Oral presentation)

4.Cao J.G., Xia X., Chen X.F., Wang Q.X.,   Xiao J.B.* Flavonoids contents, antioxidant and anticancer activities of 72   species of ferns from China. 2012 international congress on Natural   Anticancer Drugs, June 30- July 4, 2012, Olomouc, Czech Republic. (*Oral   presentation)

5.J.B. Xiao*, Yixi Xie, Hui Cao, Xiaoqing   Chen. Diabetes Can Diminish Benefits of Free Radical Scavenging Potential of   Polyphenols in Blood. 16th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical   Research International, September 6-9, 2012, London, UK. (*Oral presentation)

6.Cao H., Xiao J.B.*. Influence of   polyphenol-plasma protein interaction on the antioxidant properties of   polyphenols. 2013 International congress on Natural Products in Cancer   Prevention and Therapy, June 25-28, 2013, Naples, Italy. (*Oral presentation)

7.Cao H., Xiao J.B.*, Chen X.Q. Advance in   polyphenol-plasma proteins interaction. Proceeding on 13th International   NUTRITION & DIAGNOSTICS Conference, August 26-29, Palacký University,   Olomouc, Czech Republic. (*Oral presentation)

8.Xiao J.B.*, Högger P. Dietary polyphenols   and type 2 diabetes. International Conference on Natural Products   Utilization: from Plant to Pharmacy Shelf, ICNPU 2013, November 3-6, Bansko,   Bulgaria. (*Oral presentation)

9.Xiao J.B.*, Högger P. Structure-uptake   relationship of polyphenols by Caco-2 cells. 2014 PSE Meeting-Phytochemicals   in Medicine and Pharmacognosy, April 27-30, 2014, Piatra Neamt, Romania.   (*Oral presentation).

10.Xiao J.B.* Flavonoids glycosylation and   human health. PSE Young Scientists Meeting - Trends in Natural Products   Research, Olomouc, Czech Republic, June 23 - 25, 2014. (*Invited lecture)

11.Xiao J.B.*, Högger P. Dietary flavonoids   and type 2 diabetes: current insights and future perspectives. 14th   International NUTRITION & DIAGNOSTICS Conference, Prague, Czech Republic,   September 2-5, 2014, p32. (*Oral presentation)

12.Zheng Y.X., Cao J.G., Wang Q.X., Xiao   J.B.* Flavonoids content and bioactivity of extracts from 15 species of ferns   medicinal plants. 26th Annual AAIC meeting & International Conference on   Industrial Crops and Products, Athens, Greece, September 13-19, 2014. (*Oral   presentation)

13.Xiao J.B. Stability of natural polyphenols   in cell culture.7th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals   and Functional Foods, Istanbul, Turkey, October 14th-17th. (*Oral   presentation)

14.Xiao J.B.*, Högger P. Stability of   polyphenols under the cell culture conditions: Avoiding erroneous   conclusions. 2015 PSE-PSA meeting-International Symposium on Phytochemicals   in Medicine and Food, Shanghai, China, June 26-29, 2015. (*Oral presentation)

15.Xiao J.B.* Dietary polyphenols and   diabetes. 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and   Functional Foods, Wuxi, China, September 21-23, 2015. (*Invited lecture)

16.Xiao J.B.*, Wan J.B., Wang Y.T.   Development of functional foods from traditional Chinese medicine. 8th   International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional   Foods, Wuxi, China, September 21-23, 2015. (*Invited lecture)

17.Xiao J.B.*, Högger P. Structure-Stability   Relationship of Polyphenols in Cell Culture Medium. 4th Current Drug   Development International Conference 2016 (CDD2016), June 1st-3rd, 2016,   Phuket, Thailand, P49. (*Invited lecture)

18.Xiao J.B.*, Högger P. Structure-Stability   Relationship of Polyphenols in Cell Culture Medium. 10th International   Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products (ISCNP 2016), June 6-9, 2016,   Lublin, Poland. (*Invited lecture)

19.Xiao J.B.*, Cao H., Högger P.   Structure-Stability Relationship of Polyphenols in Cell Culture Medium.   International Symposium on Natural Products for the Future 2016 (ISNPF2016),   September 1-4, 2016, Tokushima, Japan. (*Invited lecture)

20.Xiao J.B.*, Cao H., Wang Y.T. Functional   Foods from Traditional Chinese Medicine. IX International Symposium on   Natural Products Chemistry and applications. November 22-25, 2016, Termas de   Chillan, Chile. (*Plenary lecture)

21.Cao H., Xiao J.B.*, Wang Y.T. Functional   Foods from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Trends in Natural Product Research -   PSE Young Scientists   Meeting Lille 2017, June 28-July 1, 2017, Polytech Lille, Villeneuve dAscq, France. (*Invited lecture)

22.Xiao J.B.* Functional Foods from   Traditional Chinese Medicine. 3rd International Symposium of Food Science and   Human Wellness, August 16-17, 2017, Changchun, China. (*Invited lecture)

23.Cao H., Xiao J.B.* The degraded products   of unstable polyphenols in cell culture. 3nd International Conference on   Natural Products Utilization: from Plant to Pharmacy Shelf (ICNPU 2017), October   18-21, 2017, Bansko, Bulgaria. (*Invited lecture)

24.Xiao J.B.* The products of unstable   polyphenols when incubated with cells. PSE-YSM 2018-Advances in Phytochemical   Analysis (Trends in Natural Products Research), July 2- 5, 2018, Unnamed   Venue, Liverpool, UK. (*Plenary lecture)

25.Xiao J.B.* Dietary flavonoids as   anti-cancer agents: whats the   bioactive compounds? 3rd International Symposium on Phytochemicals in   Medicine and Food, August 25-30, 2018, Kunming, China. (*Oral presentation)

26.Xiao J.B.* Dietary polyphenols for health:   whats the   bioactive compounds? The 2nd International Symposium on Food Nutrition and   Health, September 16-18, 2018, Dalian, China. (*Plenary lecture)

27.Xiao J.B.* Metabolites of polyphenols   (quercetin and luteolin) in cancer cells. 9th International Conference on   Nutrition and Physical Activity (NAPA2018), December 17-19, 2018, Taichung,   Taiwan. (*Invited lecture)

28.Xiao J.B.* Polyphenols in cancer cells.   Natural Products in Drug Discovery and Health (NatProDDH), July 28- 31, 2019,   University of Lisbon, Lisbon, República Portuguesa. (*Plenary lecture)

29.Xiao J.B.* Metabolism of quercetin and   luteolin in cancer cells. International Conference on Food Non-thermal   Processing Technology, September 11-13, 2019, Dalian, China. (*Plenary   lecture)

30.Xiao J.B.* Metabolites of polyphenols in   cells. International Conference of Food Safety and Health, November 26-28,   2019, Taichung, Taiwan. (*Invited lecture)

31.Xiao J.B.* Stability of quercetin in   Dulbecco's modified eagle's medium. The 6th International Mediterranean   Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, October 15-17, 2020, Izmir,   Turkey. (*Invited lecture).

List of publications


1.Xiao J.B., Sarker S.D., Asakawa Y. (2021).   Handbook of Dietary Phytochemicals. Springer, Singapore. ISBN:   978-981-13-1745-3.

Book chapters

1.Chen L., Cao H., Xiao J.B.* Polyphenols:   absorption, bioavailability and metabolomics. In Polyphenols: Properties,   Recovery, and Applications. Elsevier, 2018, p45-68. ISBN: 978-0-12-813572-3.

2.Deng J.J, Yang H.X., Capanoglu E., Xiao   J.B.* Technological aspects and stability of polyphenols. In Polyphenols:   Properties, Recovery, and Applications. Elsevier, 2018, p295-324. ISBN:   978-0-12-813572-3.

3.Loizzo M.R., Sicari V., Xiao J.B., Tundis   R. Are Myristica fragrans L. (Myristicaceae) and its phytochemicals useful   for human health? In Reference   series in phytochemistry: Bioactive molecules in food Edited by Jean-Michel Mérillon and Kishan Gopal Ramawat, Springer, 2019. ISBN   978-3-319-27026-5.

4.Nahar L., Xiao J.B., Sarker S.D.   Introduction of phytonutrients. In: Xiao J.B., Sarker S., Asakawa Y. (eds)   Handbook of Dietary Phytochemicals (ISBN: 978-981-13-1745-3). Springer,   Singapore, 2020. Volume 1, 1-18.

5.Bucar F., Xiao J.B., Ochensberger, S. Flavonoid   C-glycosides in diets. In: Xiao J.B., Sarker S., Asakawa Y. (eds) Handbook of   Dietary Phytochemicals (ISBN: 978-981-13-1745-3). Springer, 2021, Volume 1,   117-154.

6.Deng J.J, Xiao J.B., Yang H.X. Dietary   Triterpenoids. In: Xiao J.B., Sarker S., Asakawa Y. (eds) Handbook of Dietary   Phytochemicals (ISBN: 978-981-13-1745-3). Springer, Singapore, 2021, Volume   1, 423-476.

7.Zhao C., Cao H., Xiao J.B.* Pyrazines in   Foods. In: Xiao J.B, Sarker S., Asakawa Y. (eds) Handbook of Dietary   Phytochemicals (ISBN: 978-981-13-1745-3). Springer, Singapore, 2021, Volume   3, 1823-1848.

8.Koirala, Niranjan, Modi B., Subba R.K.,   Panthi M., Xiao J.B. Medicinal Plants in Targeting Tuberculosis II. In: Dua,   K., Nammi, S., Chang, D., Chellappan, D.K., Gupta, G., Collet, T. (Eds.)   Medicinal Plants for Lung Diseases: A Pharmacological and Immunological   Perspective (ISBN 978-981-336-850-7). Springer, Singapore, 2021, 185-215.

Publications on peer   reviewed journals (*Corresponding authors):

1.L.L. Song, S.S. Wen, Q. Ye, H.Q. Lou, Y.D.   Gao, V.K. Bajpai, M. Carpena, M.A. Prieto, J. Simal- Gandara, J.B. Xiao*,   X.H. Meng*, J.S. Wu*. Advances on delta 5-unsaturated-polymethylene-   interrupted fatty acids: Resources, biosynthesis, and benefits. Critical   Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Doi:10.1080/10408398.2021.1953960.   (Q1, IF 11.176)

2.Zou L., Wu D.T., Ren G.X., Hu Y.C., Peng   L.X., Zhao J.L., Garcia-Perez P., Carpena M., Prieto M.A., Cao H.*, Cheng   K.W., Wang M.F., Simal-Gandara J., John O.D., Rengasamy K.R.R., Zhao G.*,   Xiao J.B.* Bioactive compounds, health benefits, and industrial applications   of Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum). Critical Reviews in Food Science   and Nutrition, doi:10.1080/10408398.2021.1952161. (Q1, IF 11.176)

3.Teng H., Zheng Y.M., Cao H., Huang Q.*, Xiao   J.B.*, Chen L.* Enhancement of bioavailability and bioactivity of   diet-derived flavonoids by application of nanotechnology: a review. Critical   Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, doi:10.1080/10408398.2021.1947772.   (Q1, IF 11.176)

4.Moradi S.Z., Jalili F., Icon N.F., Joshi   T., Wang M.F., Zou L., Cao H., Farzaei M.H.*, Xiao J.B.* (2021). Polyphenols   and neurodegenerative diseases: focus on neuronal regeneration. Critical   Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Doi:10.1080/10408398.2020.1865870.   (Q1, IF 11.176)

5.Wang F., Bao Y.F., Zhang C., Zhan L.B.,   Khan W., Siddiqua S., Ahmad S., Capanoglu E., Skalicka-Woźniak K., Zou L., Simal-Gandara J., Cao H., Weng Z.B.*, Shen   X.C.*, Xiao J.B.*. Bioactive components and anti-diabetic properties of   Moringa oleifera Lam. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Doi:   10.1080/10408398.2020.1870099. (Q1, IF 11.176)

6.Lu X.M., Wang C.F., Zhao M., Wu J.X., Niu   Z.L., Zhang X.L., Simal-Gandara J., Süntar I., Jafari S.M., Qiao X.G., Tang X.Z., Han Z.L.*, Xiao   J.B.*, Li N.Y.* Improving the bioavailability and bioactivity of garlic   bioactive compounds via nanotechnology. Critical Reviews in Food Science and   Nutrition, 2021, Doi:10.1080/10408398.2021.1929058. (Q1, IF 11.176)

7.Fakhri S., Tomas M., Capanoglu E., Hussain   Y., Abbaszadeh F., Lu B.Y., Hu X.L., Wu J.L., Zou L., Smeriglio A.,   Simal-Gandara J., Cao H., Xiao J.B.*, Khan H.* Antioxidant and anticancer   potentials of edible flowers: Where do we stand? Critical Reviews in Food   Science and Nutrition, 2021, 10.1080/10408398.2021.1931022. (Q1, IF 11.176)

8.Zhai K.F., Duan H., Wang W., Zhao S.Y.,   Khan G.J., Wang M.T., Zhang Y.H., Thakur K., Fang X.M., Wu C., Xiao J.B.*,   Wei Z.J.* (2021). Ginsenoside Rg1 ameliorates blood brain barrier disruption   and traumatic brain injury via attenuating macrophages derived exosomes   miR-21 release. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, Doi:10.1016/j.apsb.2021.03.032.   (Q1, IF 11.413)

9.Wang S.S., Sheng F.Y., Zou L., Xiao J.B.*,   Li P.* Hyperoside attenuates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats via cholesterol   metabolism and bile acid metabolism. Journal of Advanced Research, 2021,   Doi:10.1016/j.jare.2021.06.001. (Q1, IF 10.476)

10.投注平台 H.F., Liang J.X., Xiao G.S.,   Vargas-De-La-Cruz C., Simal-Gandara J., Xiao J.B.*, Wang Q*. Active sites of   peptides Asp-Asp-Asp-Tyr and Asp-Tyr-Asp-Asp protect against cellular   oxidative stress. Food Chemistry, 2022, 366, 130626. (Q1, IF 7.514)

11.Atanasov A.G.*, Aggarwal B.B., Arkells N.,   Banach M., Barreca D., Battino M., Bauer R., Bayer E.A., Berindan-Neagoe I.,   Bishayee A., Bochkov V., Bonn G.K., Braidy N., Bucar F., Cifuentes A.,   D'Onofrio G., Daglia M., Diederich M., Dinkova-Kostova A.T., Efferth T.,   Bairi K.E., Orhan I.E., Fan T.P., Fiebich B.L., Freissmuth M., Georgiev M.I.,   Giampieri F., Gibbons S., Godfrey K.M., Gruber C.W., Heinrich M., Huber L.A.,   Ibanez E., Kijjoa A., Kiss A.K., Lu A.P., Macias F.A., Miller M.J.S., Mocan   A., Müller R.,   Nicoletti F., Perry G., Pittalà V., Rastrelli L., Ristow M., Rollinger J.M., Russo G.L.,   Silva A.S., Schuster D., Sheridan H., Skalicka-Woźniak K., Skaltsounis L., Sobarzo-Sánchez E., Stadler M., Stuppner H., Sureda A., Tzvetkov   N.T., Vacca R.A., Verpoorte R., Weckwerth W., Wink M., Wolfender J.L., Xiao   J.B., Yeung A.W.K., Zotchev S., Lizard G., Popp M.A., Heer J., Majeed M., Bredt   D., Bodkin M., Supuran C.T.* (2021). Natural products in drug discovery:   advances and opportunities. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 20, 200-216. (Q1,   IF 84.694)

12.Song X.Y., Luo Y.H., Ma L.J., Hu X.S.,   Simal-Gandara J., Wang L.S., Bajpai V.K., Xiao J.B.*, Chen F.* Recent trends   and advances in the epidemiology, synergism, and delivery system of lycopene   as an anti-cancer agent. Seminars in Cancer Biology, 2021, 73, 331-346. (Q1,   IF 15.707)

13.Li N.Y., Wang C.F., Georgiev M.I., Bajpai   V.K., Tundis R., Simal-Gandara J., Lu X.M., Xiao J.B.*, Tang X.Z.*, Qiao   X.G.* (2021). Advances in dietary polysaccharides as anticancer agents:   Structure-activity relationship. Trends in Food Science & Technology,   111, 360-377. (Q1, IF 12.563)

14.Yang H.X., Tuo X.X., Wang L.B., Tundis R.,   Portillo M.P., Simal-Gandara J., Yu Y., Zou L., Xiao J.B.*, Deng J.J.*   (2021). Bioactive procyanidins from dietary sources: The relationship between   bioactivity and polymerization degree. Trends in Food Science &   Technology, 111, 114-127. (Q1, IF 12.563)

15.Xu T., Li X.X., Ji S.Y., Zhong Y.H.,   Simal-Gandara J., Capanoglufg E., Xiao J.B.*, Lu B.Y.* (2021). Starch   modification with phenolics: methods, physicochemical property alteration,   and mechanisms of glycaemic control. Trends in Food Science & Technology,   111, 12-26. (Q1, IF 12.563)

16.Hussain H., Mamadalieva N.Z., Ali I.,   Elizbit, Green I.R., Wang D.J., Zou L., Simal-Gandarah J., Cao H., Xiao J.B.*   (2021). Fungal glycosides: Structure and biological function. Trends in Food   Science & Technology, 110, 611-651. (Q1, IF 12.563)

17.Zheng J., Guo H.Y., Ou J.Y., 投注平台 P.Z.,   Huang C.H., Wang M.F., Simal-Gandara J., Battino M., Jafari S.M., Zou L., Ou   S.Y.*, Xiao J.B.* (2021). Benefits, deleterious effects and mitigation of   methylglyoxal in foods: A critical review. Trends in Food Science &   Technology, 107, 201-212. (Q1, IF 12.563)

18.Sedha S, Lee H, Singh S, Kumar S, Jain S,   Ahmad A, Bin Jardan YA, Sonwal S, Shukla S, Simal-Gandara J, Xiao JB*, Huh   YS*, Han YK*, Bajpai VK*. (2021). Reproductive toxic potential of phthalate   compounds - state of art review. Pharmacological Research, 167, 105536. (Q1,   IF 7.658)

19.Bajpai V.K., Sonwal S., Hwang S.K., Shukla   S., Khan I., Dey D.K., Chen L.*, Simal-Gandara J., Xiao J.B.*, Huh Y.S.*, Han   Y.K.* (2021). Sugiol, a diterpenoid: therapeutic actions and molecular   pathways involved. Pharmacological Research, 163, 105313. (Q1, IF 7.658)

20.Lyu X.G., Wang X., Wang Q.L., Ma X.Y.,   Chen S.L., Xiao J.B.* Encapsulation of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides   L.) leaf extract via an electrohydrodynamic method. Food Chemistry, 2021,   365, 130481. (Q1, IF 7.514)

21.Yang X.L., Wei S.Q., Lu X.M., Qiao X.G.,   Simal-Gandara J., Capanoglu E., Woźniak Ł., Zou L., Cao H., Xiao J.B.*, Tang X.Z.*, Li N.Y.* (2021).   A neutral polysaccharide with a triple helix structure from ginger:   Characterization and immunomodulatory activity. Food Chemistry, 350, 129261.   (Q1, IF 7.514)

22.Tian T.T., Sun J.Y., Wu D.H., Xiao J.B.*,   Lu J.* (2021). Objective measures of greengage wine quality: From   taste-active compound and aroma-active compound to sensory profiles. Food   Chemistry, 340, 128179. (Q1, IF 7.514)

23.Xia T., Duan W.H., Zhang Z.J., Fang B., Xu   B.C, Zhang B., de la Cruz C.B.V., El-Seedi H., Simal-Gandara J., Wang S.Y.,   Wang M.*, Xiao J.B.* (2021). Polyphenol-rich extract of Zhenjiang aromatic   vinegar ameliorates high glucose-induced insulin resistance by regulating   JNK-IRS-1 and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways. Food Chemistry, 335, 127513. (Q1,   IF 7.514)

24.Xu H., Wang E., Chen F., Xiao J.B.*, Wang   M.F.* (2021). Neuroprotective phytochemicals in experimental ischemic stroke:   Mechanisms and potential clinical applications. Oxidative Medicine and   Cellular Longevity, 2021, 6687386. (Q1, IF 6.543)

25.Wang C.F., Han Z.L., Wu Y.H., Lu X.M.,   Tang X.Z., Xiao J.B.*, Li N.Y.* (2021). Enhancing stability and   anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin in ulcerative colitis therapy using   liposomes mediated colon-specific drug delivery system. Food and Chemical   Toxicology, 151, 112123. (IF 6.023)

26.Khan H., Reale M., Ullah H., Sureda A.,   Tejada S., Wang Y., Zhang Z.J.*, Xiao J.B.* (2020). Anti-cancer effects of   polyphenols via targeting p53 signaling pathway. Updates and future   directions. Biotechnology Advances, 38, 107316. (Q1, IF 14.222) ESI

27.Wu L.P., Georgiev M.I., Cao H., Nahar L.,   El-Seedi H.R., Sarker S.D., Xiao J.B.*, Lu B.Y.* (2020). Therapeutic   potential of phenylethanoid glycosides: A systematic review. Medicinal   Research Reviews, 2020, 40(6), 2605-2649. (Q1, IF 12.944)

28.Wu X., Li M.X., Xiao Z.G., Daglia M.,   Dragan S., Delmas D., Vong C.T., Wang Y.T., Zhao Y.S., Shen J., Nabavi S.M.,   Sureda A., Cao H., Simal-Gandara J., Wang M.F., Sun C.D., Wang S.P.*, Xiao   J.B.* (2020). Dietary polyphenols for managing cancers. What have we ignored?   Trends in Food Science & Technology, 101, 150-164. (Q1, IF 12.563)

29.Chen Q., Xu B.J., Huang W.S., Amrouche   A.T., Maurizio B., Simal-Gandara J., Tundis R., Xiao J.B.*, Zou L., Lu B.Y.*   (2020). Edible flowers as functional raw materials: A review on anti-aging   properties. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 106, 30-47. (Q1, IF   12.563)

30.Zhong R.T., Wan X.Z., Wang D.Y., Zhao C.,   投注平台 D., Gao L.Y., Wang M.F., Wu C.J., Nabavid S.M., Daglia M., Capanoglu E.,   Xiao J.B.*, Cao H.* (2020). Polysaccharides from marine Enteromorpha.   Structure and function. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 99, 11-20.   (Q1, IF 12.563)

31.Khan H., Ullah H., Castilho P.C.M.F.,   Gomila A.S., D'Onofrio G., Filosa R., Wang F., Nabavi S.M., Daglia M., Silva   A.S., Rengasamy K.R.R., Ou J.Y., Zou X.B., Xiao J.B.*, Cao H.* (2020):   Targeting NF-κB signaling   pathway in cancer by dietary polyphenols. Critical Reviews in Food Science   and Nutrition, 60(16), 2790-2800. (Q1, IF 11.176)

32.Yao D.N., Zhang B.Y., Zhu J.F., Zhang   Q.R., Hu Y.J., Wang S.P., Wang Y.T., Cao H.*, Xiao J.B.* (2020): Advances on   application of fenugreek seeds as functional foods: Pharmacology, clinical   application, products, patents and market. Critical Reviews in Food Science   and Nutrition, 60(14), 2342-2352. (Q1, IF 11.176)

33.Sajadimajd S., Bahramsoltani R., Iranpanah   A., Patra J.K., Das G., Gouda S., Rahimi R., Rezaeiamiri E., Cao H.*,   Giampieri F., Battino M., Tundis R., Campos M.G., Farzaei M.H.*, Xiao J.B.*.   (2020). Advances on natural polyphenols as anticancer agents for skin cancer.   Pharmacological Research, 151, 104584. (Q1, IF 7.658) ESI

34.Cao H., Högger P., Arroo R., Xiao J.B.*   (2020). Flavonols with a catechol or pyrogallol substitution pattern on ring   B readily form stable dimers in phosphate buffered saline at four degrees   celsius. Food Chemistry, 311, 125902. (Q1, IF 7.514)

35.Zhao C., 投注平台 Y.Y., Lai S.S., Cao H., Guan   Y., Cheang W.S., 投注平台 B., Zhao K.W., Miao S., Riviere C., Capanoglu E., Xiao   J.B.* (2019). Effects of domestic cooking process on the chemical and   biological properties of dietary phytochemicals. Trends in Food Science &   Technology, 85, 55-66. (Q1, IF 12.563)

36.Mu R.J., Hong X., Ni Y.S., Li Y.Z., Pang   J., Wang Q., Xiao J.B.*, Zheng Y.F.* (2019). Recent trends and applications   of cellulose nanocrystalline in food industry. Trends in Food Science &   Technology, 93, 136-144. (Q1, IF 12.563)

37.Cao H., Ou J.Y., Chen L., Zhang Y.B.,   Szkudelski T., Delmas D., Daglia M., Xiao J.B.* (2019). Dietary polyphenols   for managing type 2 diabetes. Human studies and clinical trials. Critical   Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 59(20), 3371-3379. (Q1, IF 11.176) ESI

38.Zhao C., Yang C.F., Wai S.T.C., Zhang   Y.B., Portillo M.P., Paoli P., Wu Y.J., Cheang W.S., 投注平台 B., Carpéné C.*,   Xiao J.B.*, Cao H. (2019). Regulation of glucose metabolism by bioactive   phytochemicals for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Critical   Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 59(6), 830-847. (Q1, IF 11.176) ESI

39.Miao L.C., Tao H.X., Peng Y., Wang S.P.,   Zhong Z.F., El-Seedi H., Dragan S., Zengin G., Cheang W.S., Wang Y.T., Xiao   J.B.* (2019). The anti-inflammatory effects of purslane extract by partial   suppression on NF-κB and   MAPK activation. Food Chemistry, 290, 239-245. (Q1, IF 7.514)

40.Smeriglio A., Cornara L.*, Denaro M.,   Barreca D., Burlando B., Xiao J.B., Trombetta D. (2019). Antioxidant and   cytoprotective activities of an ancient Mediterranean citrus (Citrus lumia   Risso) albedo extract. Microscopic observations and polyphenol   characterization. Food Chemistry, 279, 347-355. (Q1, IF 7.514) ESI

41.Cao H., 投注平台 X.J., Ulrih N.P., Sengupta   P.K., Xiao J.B.* (2019). Plasma protein binding of dietary polyphenols to   human serum albumin. A high performance affinity chromatography approach.   Food Chemistry, 270, 257-263. (Q1, IF 7.514) ESI

42.Teng H., Chen Y., Lin X.J., Lv Q.Y., Chai   T.T., Wong F.C., Chen L., Xiao J.B.* (2019). Inhibitory effect of the extract   from Sonchus olearleu on the formation of carcinogenic heterocyclic aromatic   amines during the pork cooking. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 129, 138-143.   (Q1, IF 6.023)

43.Chen L., Li K., 投注平台 Q., Quiles J.L.,   Filosa R., Kamal M.A., Wang F., Kai G.Y., Zou X.B., Teng H., Xiao J.B.*   (2019). Protective effects of raspberry on the oxidative damage in HepG2   cells through Keap1/Nrf2-dependent signaling pathway. Food and Chemical   Toxicology, 133, 110781. (Q1, IF 6.023)

44.Zhao C., Yang C.F., 投注平台 B., Lin L., Sarker   S.D., Nahar L., Yu H., Cao H., Xiao J.B.* (2018). Bioactive compounds from   marine macroalgae and their hypoglycemic benefits. Trends in Food Science   & Technology, 72, 1-12. (Q1, IF 12.563) ESI

45.Chen L., Teng H., Jia Z., Battino M.,   Miron A., Yu Z.L., Cao H., Xiao J.B.* (2018). Intracellular signaling   pathways of inflammation modulated by dietary flavonoids. The most recent   evidence. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 58(17), 2908-2924.   (Q1, IF 11.176) ESI

46.Chen L., Teng H., Xie Z.L., Cao H., Cheang   W.S., Skalicka-Woniak K., Georgiev M.I., Xiao J.B.* (2018). Modifications of   dietary flavonoids towards improved bioactivity. An update on structure   activity relationship. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 58(4),   513-527. (Q1, IF 11.176) ESI

47.Lin Y.F., Lin Y.X., Lin H.T.*, Lin M.S.,   Li H., Yuan F., Chen Y.H., Xiao J.B.* (2018). Effects of paper containing   1-MCP postharvest treatment on the disassembly of cell wall polysaccharides   and softening in Younai plum fruit during storage. Food Chemistry, 264, 1-8.   (Q1, IF 7.514)

48.Chen M., Wang R.H., Zhu Y.Q., 投注平台 M.Z.,   Zhu F.W., Xiao J.B.*, Chen X.Q.* (2018). 4-Mercaptophenylboronic   acid-modified spirally-curved mesoporous silica nanofibers coupled with   ultra-performance liquid chromatographymass spectrometry for determination of brassinosteroids in   plants. Food Chemistry, 263, 51-58. (Q1, IF 7.514)

49.Chen J.C., Chen Y.Z., Tian J.J., Ge H.F.,   Liang X.F., Xiao J.B.*, Lin H.T.* (2018). Simultaneous determination of four   sesame lignans and conversion in Monascus aged vinegar using HPLC method.   Food Chemistry, 256, 133-139. (Q1, IF 7.514)

50.Xiao J.B. (2018). Stability of dietary   polyphenols. It's never too late to mend? Food and Chemical Toxicology, 119,   3-5. (Q1, IF 6.023)

51.Li N., Lin Z.C., Chen W., Zheng Y., Ming   Y.L., Zheng Z.Z., Huang W., Chen L.H., Xiao J.B.*, Lin H.T. (2018). Corilagin   from longan seed. Identification, quantification, and synergistic   cytotoxicity on SKOv3ip and hey cells with ginsenoside Rh2 and 5-fluorouracil.   Food and Chemical Toxicology, 119, 133-140. (Q1, IF 6.023)

52.Zheng Y., Zheng Z.Z., Ming Y.L., Lin M.S.,   Chen L.H., Huang W., Xiao J.B.*, Lin H.T.* (2018). Gynosaponin TN-1 producing   from the enzymatic conversion of gypenoside XLVI by naringinase and its   cytotoxicity on hepatoma cell lines. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 119,   1611-168. (Q1, IF 6.023)

53.Zhao C., Yang C.F., Chen M.J., 投注平台 B., Yi   L.Z., Cornara L., Wei M.C., Yang Y.C., Tundis R., Xiao J.B.* (2018).   Regulatory efficacy of brown seaweed Lessonia nigrescens extract on the gene   expression profile and intestinal microflora in type 2 diabetic mice.   Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 62(4), 1700730. (Q1, IF 5.941) ESI

54.Zhao C., Wu Y.J., 投注平台 X.Y., 投注平台 B., Cao   H., Yu H., Sarker S.D., Nahar L., Xiao J.B.* (2017). Functional properties,   structural studies and chemoenzymatic synthesis of natural and glycan   oligosaccharides. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 66, 135-145. (Q1,   IF 12.563)

55.Xiao J.B. (2017). Dietary flavonoid   aglycones and their glycosides. Which show better biological significance?   Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57, 1874-1905. (Q1, IF   11.176) ESI

56.Tang F., Xie Y.X., Cao H., Yang H., Chen   X.Q.*, Xiao J.B.* (2017). Fetal bovine serum influences the stability and   bioactivity of resveratrol analogues. A polyphenol-protein interaction   approach. Food Chemistry, 219, 321-328. (Q1, IF 7.514) ESI

57.Teng H., Lin Q.Y., Li K., Yuan B.Y., Song   H.B., Yi L.Z., Wei M.C., Yang Y.C., Battino M., Acuña C.L.C., Chen L., Xiao   J.B.*. (2017). Hepatoprotective effects of raspberry (Rubus coreanus Miq.)   seed oil and its major constituents. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 110,   418-424. (Q1, IF 6.023)

58.Chen J.C., Tian J.J., Ge H.F., 投注平台 R.H.,   Xiao J.B.*. (2017). Effects of tetramethylpyrazine from Chinese black vinegar   on antioxidant activity and hypolipidemia in HepG2 cells via the PPARγ-LXRα-ABCA1   pathway. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 109, 930-940. (Q1, IF 6.023)

59.Wu S.Q., Li J., Wang Q.X., Cao H., Cao   J.G.*, Xiao J.B.* (2017). Seasonal dynamics of phytochemical contents and   bioactivities of Stenoloma chusanum. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 108,   458-466. (Q1, IF 6.023)

60.Luo X.L., Wang Q., Zheng B.D., Lin L.M.,   Chen B.Y., Zheng Y.F. *, Xiao J.B.*. (2017). Hydration properties and binding   capacities of dietary fibers from bamboo shoot shell and its hypolipidemic   effects in mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 109, 1003-1009. (Q1, IF 6.023)

61.Xiao J.B.*, Capanoglu E., Jassbi A.R.,   Miron A. (2016). Advance on the flavonoid C-glycosides and health benefits.   Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56(S1), S29-S45. (Q1, IF   11.176) ESI

62.Cornara L.*, Xiao J.B., Burlando B.   (2016). Therapeutic potential of temperate forage legumes. A review. Critical   Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56(S1), S149-S161. (Q1, IF 11.176) ESI

63.Xu W., Shao R., Xiao J.B.* (2016). Is   there consistency between the binding affinity and inhibitory potential of   natural polyphenols as α-amylase   inhibitors? Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56, 1630-1639.   (Q1, IF 11.176)

64.Zheng Y.F., Zhang S.A., Wang Q., Lu X.,   Lin L.M., Tian Y., Xiao J.B.*, Zheng B.D.* (2016). Characterization and   hypoglycemic activity of a β-pyran   polysaccharides from bamboo shoot (Leleba oldhami Nakal) shells. Carbohydrate   Polymers, 144, 438-446. (Q1, IF 9.381)

65.Wei M.C., Xiao J.B., Yang Y.C.* (2016).   Extraction of α-humulene-enriched   oil from clove using ultrasound-assisted supercritical carbon dioxide   extraction and studies of its fictitious solubility. Food Chemistry, 210,   172-181. (Q1, IF 7.514)

66.Cao H., Shi J., Jia X.P., Xiao J.B.*, Chen   X.Q.* (2016). Non-covalent interaction between dietary stilbenoids and human   serum albumin. Structure-affinity relationship, and its influence on the   stability, free radical scavenging activity and cell uptake of stilbenoids.   Food Chemistry, 202, 383-388. (Q1, IF 7.514)

67.Cao H., Chen X.Q., Jassbi A.R., Xiao J.B.*   (2015). Microbial biotransformation of bioactive flavonoids. Biotechnology   Advances, 33(1), 214-223. (Q1, IF 14.222)

68.Xiao J.B.*, Jiang H.X. (2015). A review on   the structure-function relationship aspect of polysaccharides from tea   materials. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 55(7), 930-938.   (Q1, IF 11.176)

69.Xiao J.B.*, Ni X.L., Kai G.Y., Chen X.Q.*   (2015). Advance in dietary polyphenols as aldose reductases inhibitors.   Structure-activity relationship aspect. Critical Reviews in Food Science and   Nutrition, 55(1), 16-31. (Q1, IF 11.176) ESI

70.Xie Y.H., Xia X., Dai X.L., Wang Q.X., Cao   J.G., Xiao J.B.* (2015). Seasonal dynamics of total flavonoids content and   antioxidant activities of Dryopteris erythrosora. Food Chemistry, 186,   113-118. (Q1, IF 7.514)

71.Devi K.P., Malar D.S., Nabavi S.F., Sureda   A., Xiao J.B., Nabavi S.M., Daglia M.* (2015). Kaempferol and inflammation.   from chemistry to medicine. Pharmacological Research, 99, 1-10. (Q1, IF   7.658) ESI

72.Xiao J.B.*, Muzashvili T.S., Georgiev M.I.   (2014). Advance on biotechnology for glycosylation of high-value flavonoids.   Biotechnology Advances, 32, 1145-1156. (Q1, IF 14.222) ESI

73.Xiao J.B.*, Ni X.L., Kai G.Y., Chen X.Q.   (2013). A review on structure-activity relationship of dietary polyphenols   inhibiting α-amylase.   Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 53, 497-506. (Q1, IF 11.176)   ESI

74.Xiao J.B.*, Kai G.Y., Yamamoto, K., Chen,   X.Q. (2013). Advance in dietary polyphenols as α-glucosidases inhibitors. a review on structure-activity   relationship aspect. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 53,   818-836. (Q1, IF 11.176) ESI

75.Wang Y.L., Zhao Y., Andrae-Marobela K.,   Okatch H., Xiao J.B.* (2013). Tea polysaccharides as food antioxidants. An   old woman's tale? Food Chemistry, 138, 1923-1927. (Q1, IF 7.514)

76.Cao J.G., Xia X., Dai X.L., Xiao J.B.*,   Wang Q.X.*, Andrae-Marobela, K., Okatch, H. (2013). Flavonoids profiles,   antioxidant, acetylcholinesterase inhibition activities of extract from   Dryoathyrium boryanum (Willd.) Ching. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 55,   121-128. (Q1, IF 6.023) ESI

77.Cao J.G., Xia X., Chen X.F., Xiao J.B.*,   Wang Q.X.* (2013). Characterization of flavonoids from Dryopteris erythrosora   and evaluation of their antioxidant, anticancer and acetylcholinesterase   inhibition activities. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 51, 242-250. (Q1, IF   6.023)

78.Xiao J.B.*, Kai G.Y. (2012). A review of   dietary polyphenol-plasma protein interactions. Characterization, influence   on the bioactivity, and structure-affinity relationship. Critical Reviews in   Food Science and Nutrition, 52, 85-101. (Q1, IF 11.176) ESI

79.Kai G.Y.*, Xu H., Zhou C.C., Liao P., Xiao   J.B., Luo X.Q., You L.J., Zhang L. (2011). Metabolic engineering tanshinone   biosynthetic pathway in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy root cultures. Metabolic   Engineering, 13, 319-327. (Q1, IF 9.783)

80.Xiao J.B.*, Wu M.X., Kai G.Y., Wang F.J.,   Cao H., Yu X.B. (2011). ZnO#ZnS QDs interfacial heterostructure for drug/food   delivery application. Enhancement of the binding affinities of flavonoid   aglycones to bovine serum albumin. Nanomedicine. Nanotechnology, Biology, and   Medicine, 7, 850-858. (Q1, IF 6.458)

81.Xiao J.B.*, Mao F.F., Yang F., Zhao Y.R.,   Zhang C., Yamamoto K. (2011).Interaction of dietary polyphenols with bovine   milk proteins. Molecular structure-affinity relationship and influencing   bioactivity aspects. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 55, 1637-1645.   (Q1, IF 5.941) ESI

82.Xiao J.B.*, Kai G.Y., Yang F., 投注平台 C.X.,   Xu X.C., Yamamoto K. (2011). Molecular structure-affinity relationship of   natural polyphenols for bovine γ-globulin. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 55,   S86-S92. (Q1, IF 5.941) ESI

83.Xiao J.B.*, Chen T.T., Cao H., Chen L.S.,   Yang F. (2011). Molecular property-affinity relationship of flavanoids and   flavonoids for HSA in vitro. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 55,   310-317. (Q1, IF 5.941) ESI

84.Xiao J.B.*, Zhao Y.R., Wang H., Yuan Y.M.,   Yang F., Zhang C., Yamamoto K. (2011). Non-covalent interaction of dietary   polyphenols with common human plasma proteins. Journal of Agricultural and   Food Chemistry, 59, 10747-10754. (Q1, IF 5.279) ESI

85.Xiao J.B.*, Huo J.L., Yang F., Chen X.Q.   (2011). Non-covalent interaction of dietary polyphenols with bovine   hemoglobin in vitro. Molecular structure/property-affinity relationship   aspects. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59, 8484-8490. (Q1, IF 5.279)   ESI

86.Xiao J.B.*, Chen L.S., Yang F., 投注平台 C.X.,   Bai Y.L. (2010). Green, yellow and red emitting CdTe QDs decreased the   affinities of apigenin and luteolin for human serum albumin in vitro. Journal   of Hazardous Materials, 182, 696-703. (Q1, IF 10.588)

87.Xiao J.B., Cao H., Wang Y.F., Yamamoto K.,   *Wei X.L. (2010). Structure-affinity relationship of flavones on binding to   serum albumins. Effect of hydroxyl groups on ring A. Molecular Nutrition   & Food Research, 54, S253-S260. (Q1, IF 5.941) ESI

88.Xiao J.B., Cao H., Wang Y.F., Zhao J.Y.,   Wei X.L.* (2009). Glycosylation of dietary flavonoids decreases the   affinities for plasma protein. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,   57, 6642-6648. (Q1, IF 5.279) ESI

89.Xiao J.B., Suzuki M., Jiang X.Y., Chen X.Q.*,   Yamamoto K., Ren F.L., Xu M. (2008). Influence of B-ring hydroxylation on   interactions of flavonols with bovine serum albumin. Journal of Agricultural   and Food Chemistry, 56, 2350- 2356. (Q1, IF 5.279) ESI

90.Xiao J.B., Chen X.Q.*, Zhang L., Talbot S.G.,   Li G.C., Xu M. (2008). Investigation the mechanism of enhanced effect of EGCG   on huperzine A inhibiting acetylcholinesterase activity in rats by   multi-spectroscopic method. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56,   910-915. (Q1, IF 5.279) ESI

91.Xiao J.B., Chen J.W., Ren F.L.*, Yang   C.S., Xu M. (2007). Use of 3-(4, 5- Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl   tetrazolium bromide for rapid detection of methicillin-resistant   Staphylococcus aureus by resonance light scattering. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2007,   589, 186-191. (Q1, IF 6.558)

92.Xiao J.B., Chen J.W., Ren F.L.*, Chen   Y.Y., Xu M. (2007). Highly sensitive detection of trace potassium ion in   serum using resonance light scattering technique with sodium   tetraphenylboron. Microchimica Acta, 159, 287-292. (Q1, IF 5.833)

Editorial and   Correspondence

1.Bai W.B., Xiao J.B. (2019). Third   International Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food. Critical   Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 59(S1), S1-S3. (IF 11.176)

2.Xiao J.B., Bai W.B. (2019). Bioactive   Phytochemicals. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 59(6),   827-829. (IF 11.176)

3.Yi L.Z., Cao J.X., Cao H., Xiao J.B.   (2019). Report of the 3rd International Symposium on Phytochemicals in   Medicine and Food (August 25-30th, 2018, Kunming, China). Food Chemistry,   289, 671-672. (IF 7.514)

4.Xiao J.B.* Sarker S.D., Nahar L., Cao H.*   (2019). Report on the 2nd International Symposium on Phytochemicals in   Medicine and Food (4-7 April 2017, Fuzhou, China). Food Chemistry, 272,   182-184. (IF 7.514)

5.Xiao J.B., Battino M. (2018). 3rd   International Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (3-ISPMF).   Food and Chemical Toxicology, 119, 1-2. (IF 6.023)

6.Wang C.M., Lei C.K., Wang R.B., Xiao J.B.,   Wang Y.T. (2017). Ten years of exploration, a new journey to start. advancing   Chinese Medicine to the next level. Chinese Medicine, 12, 28. (IF 5.4)

7.Xiao J.B., Georgiev M.I. (2017). Second   international symposium on phytochemicals in medicine and food (2-ISPMF).   Food and Chemical Toxicology, 108, 353-354. (IF 6.023)

8.Xiao J.B., Yordanova Z., Miao M. (2017).   2nd international symposium on phytochemicals in medicine and food (2-ISPMF).   Phytochemistry Reviews, 16, 375-377. (IF 5.374)

9.Xiao J.B. (2016). Phytochemicals in Food   and Nutrition. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56(S1), S1-S3.   (IF 11.176)

10.Xiao J.B. (2016). Report for International   Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (ISPMF 2015). Food   Chemistry, 204, 497-498. (Letter to editor) (IF 7.514)

11.Han M, Xiao J.B. (2016). International   Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (ISPMF2015, Shanghai, 26th   to 29th of June 2015) Phytochemical Society of Europe Meeting in   Collaboration with the Phytochemical Society of Asia. Current Pharmaceutical   Biotechnology, 17(13), 1116. (IF 2.837)

12.Xiao J.B., Georgiev M.I. (2015). 2015   International Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food (ISPMF 2015).   An introduction. Food Chemistry, 186, 1. (IF 7.514)

13.Xiao J.B. (2015). Natural polyphenols and   diabetes. Understanding their mechanism of action. Current Medicinal   Chemistry, 22(1), 2-3. (IF 4.53)

14.Xiao J.B. (2015). Phytochemicals in   medicine & food. Phytochemistry Reviews, 14(3), 317-320. (Q1, IF 5.374)

15.Xiao J.B., Högger P. (2014). Advance in   pharmacokinetics of bioactive polyphenols. Current Drug Metabolism, 15, 1-2.   (IF 3.731)

16.Lanzotti V., Xiao J.B. (2014). Thematic   Issue. Natural Products in Cancer Prevention and Therapy, a selection of   topics presented in the 2nd Edition PSE Symposium (Naples, Italy, 25th to   28th of June 2013). Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 14, 1313-1314.   (IF 2.505)

17.Xiao J.B., Shao R (2013). Natural products   for treatment of Alzheimer's disease and relative diseases. Understanding   their Mechanism of Action. Current Neuropharmacology, 11, 367. (IF 7.363)

18.Xiao J.B. (2013). Polyphenol-plasma   proteins interaction. its nature, analytical techniques, and influence on   bioactivities of polyphenols. Current Drug Metabolism, 14, 367-368. (IF   3.731)

19.Xiao J.B., Tundis R. (2013). Natural   products for Alzheimers   disease therapy. basic and application. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology,   65, 1679-1680. (IF 3.765)

20.Delmas D., Xiao J.B. (2012). Natural   polyphenols properties. Chemopreventive and chemosensitizing activities.   Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 12(8), 835. (IF 2.505)

The above information updated


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